Posted on Nov 10, 2015

Follow Dr. Wachtel as he trains for a marathon in 2016. Regular entries will provide updates on his mileage, triumphs, and challenges, as well as advice and inspiration for runners planning their own distance goals.

Nov. 10, 2015

Was raining out today, but went to the gym and ran on a treadmill! Did 6 miles in about an hour. I felt some hamstring and heel pain for the first 15 minutes, but noticed it went away. There is a very good medication called Orthonesic that you can rub in. Typically, I have used this medication after a run or hard physical workout! I’ve decided I will be applying it before and after my runs. Great deep heat and relaxing medication.

I’ve started stretching before and after workouts, which has helped. Did a short three yesterday, so a nice, light workout. Starting next week will be training for a half-marathon in Key West, so I will be working hard again soon.
Remember that running is good for your mind, your soul and will help you though the ups and the downs of your life.

Starting Out! – Nov. 09, 2015

Running last week amounted to a total of 13 miles. There were no big runs other than a 8-miler last Saturday! It’s a slow start on track to a marathon. I noticed cramping in the Achilles for about five minutes and will have to work on performing more stretches prerun. Will have to check in later this week!