What Are Fungal Nails and Can You Avoid Them?

Summer is in full swing here in Massachusetts, and do we know a thing or two about humidity! All the extra moisture in the air can leave your whole body feeling damp, but one part of your body you definitely want to keep dry are your feet. When your shoes have too...

What Does a Podiatrist Treat?

Everywhere you turn around, there seems to be new advice or another way of taking care of pain or a certain health concern. Holistic health shops pop up with “natural remedies” for just about everything under the sun—some of which might help, while others do not. It...

Get the Most from Your First Podiatry Visit

Trying something new for the first time can be both exciting and intimidating. Some things are more exciting than others, like riding your first roller coaster, attending your first concert, or visiting a new country. Other things tend to make people more nervous than...